Covid-19 Updates
1. Can I still purchase from your website?
Yes! We’re currently accepting orders and shipping internationally. We’d recommend ordering to addresses that you know you’ll be able to access, such as your home, as opposed to business addresses that may have restricted access.2. Are you guys shipping as normal?
We’re trying our best, but minor delays are happening internationally. Our most recent update is that we’re currently only shipping from our warehouses from Monday to Friday. We’ll be catching up on weekend orders at the start of the week, so it may take a few days for you to receive your shipping confirmation email. But don’t panic, we’ve received your order and are working as quickly as possible to dispatch it without compromising the safety of our team. We’ll be sure to communicate any significant delays with you using the email address that you enter at checkout.
3. Has Covid-19 impacted our supply chain?
Our production operations have not been impacted by the spread of COVID-19. We’re monitoring the situation very closely, working with local authorities in affected regions and following the advice of the World Health Organisation. The welfare and health of our suppliers are top priorities for us. Should the authorities recommend taking additional action, we’ll be sure to follow their guidance.
4. What are we doing to ensure the safety & wellbeing of staff within our business & our supply chain?
We’re doing all we can to protect the safety and wellbeing of our family across the world, while continuing to provide the best experience possible, as safely as we can. For now, working from home has become the everyday norm for our entire team, with the only exceptions to this being the team members with “business critical” roles who must be physically present in our offices. This is a very small percentage of our entire team and we are strictly following official advice to uphold social distancing and the highest standards of hygiene for this key group. Our offices across the world have made operational changes, too – including more regular cleaning, entry/exit control, and restrictions in common areas – to protect the wellbeing of anyone and everyone in the offices.
Our attitude and approach is exactly the same throughout our supply chain. We’ve increased focus on our distribution centres to maximise safety, enforcing social distancing and minimise the spread of COVID-19. Ensuring the highest possible customer experience has always been our main driving force. In these times the health and safety of people throughout our supply chain must be our priority, so this may mean a slight delay to orders, but we trust you’ll understand, and support, the steps we’re taking in these global circumstances.
We are operating as safely as we can, while giving our best to operate at the highest standards we can. We’re taking every opportunity to offer our team support and guidance as closely as possible, even while separated by distance. We’ve introduced activities and exercises to keep everyone’s physical and mental health at its best. It’s simple: Stay Home. Stay Safe. Save Lives. We’re stronger when we pull together.